Good Examples...

This image has very vibrant colours. It contrasts between the pink of the flowers and the blue of the sky and lake (and possibly the dark green of the forest).

I found that this image has the best lines. It has the lines from a vehicle passing by the camera. The camera had a slow shutter speed so the only light picked up by the sensor is the very strong / harsh light from the head / tail lights of the passing vehicle. A tripod will be needed to take an image like this so the camera stays perfectly still; if the camera were to move at slow shutter speeds like this the image will be victim to camera shake.
This image has very strong textures. They contrast from the high levels of detail in the crops to the softness of the clouds.

This image has very noticeable patterns. The image is almost completely symmetrical (vertical) and there is a small pattern at the back of the image (end of the tunnel) there are triangular plates at the back of the image. There is also the rims around the tunnel’s roof; they are evenly spaced and continue to the end of the tunnel.