Good Examples...

This image has very vibrant colours. It contrasts between the pink of the flowers and the blue of the sky and lake (and possibly the dark green of the forest).

I found that this image has the best lines. It has the lines from a vehicle passing by the camera. The camera had a slow shutter speed so the only light picked up by the sensor is the very strong / harsh light from the head / tail lights of the passing vehicle. A tripod will be needed to take an image like this so the camera stays perfectly still; if the camera were to move at slow shutter speeds like this the image will be victim to camera shake.
This image has very strong textures. They contrast from the high levels of detail in the crops to the softness of the clouds.

This image has very noticeable patterns. The image is almost completely symmetrical (vertical) and there is a small pattern at the back of the image (end of the tunnel) there are triangular plates at the back of the image. There is also the rims around the tunnel’s roof; they are evenly spaced and continue to the end of the tunnel.

Photos that I find interesting...

I like this images because you are able to see two people in focus in the center of the bullet holes and the strange tower. The user firstly notices the people standing on the road and then they look around to image to discover the shattered glass and bullet hole. This image empathizes how the area this was photographed is not too pleasant.

I Like this image because of the expression on the man's face. He is the main subject of the image and the curtain camera angle allows you to see the bull in the background. The bull running in the background suggests why the the man is expressing that particular facial expression.

I also like this image because of the facial expression on the main subjects face. I also like the buttery bokeh (blurriness) of the background, which is obtained from using a wide aperture and/or long lens. I also like the way that the photographer has managed to stick to the rule–of–thirds while taking this action shot. He has kept the wickets, ball and grounded bat on the bottom right of the image and the flying sticks off the wickets in the top right hand corner of the composition.

I like this image because of the amount of people crowding around the one golfer, this shows how tense and exciting this particular moment is. I also like how the crowd is showing a level of order and control in that way that they stay inline and are not disturbing the subject. The emptiness in the center of the image also adds appeal because having a large density and small density in the same image.

I like the way this image seems like a standard war style shot, until you notice the 'soldier' on the far left. He seems to have very little camouflage on and the is an emphasis on the pink underwear! We can tell this person it not a real solder by they way he is wearing a red shirt below his, supposedly, borrowed vest and also he is wearing flip–flops.

Year 11 Photography Unit

Hello, my name is Rhys. I am studying OCR media. I am currently on the third unit of my course.

Unit One:
– We researched and produced our own CD covers. We also created a Magazine cover and contents page using Adobe® Photoshop CS5.

Unit Two:
– We worked in groups to produce a film trailer. Our chosen film genre was Horror and it was edited in iMovie '11.